Happy Holidays

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Robinne Weiss

Full Member
May 19, 2015
New Zealand
Before we all vanish to holiday revels, I just wanted to wish you all a lovely holiday season. Thanks to every one of you for your support, thoughts, opinions, and general writerly presence over the past year. You are a lovely group, and it's always a pleasure to stop by Litopia.

I would write you a bit of summer holiday doggerel, but Air New Zealand has done it for me this year. Can't beat this one...
Have a wonderful time, Robinne. I sent the video to my friend Kerry, in Christchurch.

N.Z. is the place I'd settle if I had to leave Cornwall—if only you didn't have earthquakes!
Merry Christmas everyone! And a happy New Year! May it be the year all our greatest wishes as writers come true. :D
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! Am feeling incredibly smug as I finished all present shopping well in advance -- first time ever! More time for brandy and mince pies...speaking of which...:)
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