Handy text-to-speech tool

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Nikky Lee

Nikky Lee
Full Member
Jul 27, 2018
New Zealand
I recently discovered this text-to-speech tool and have been using it to help revise the chapters in my WIP.

Yes, I realise MS word has a Read Aloud capability too, however, the voice in this tool has more nuance, which makes the read out sound less... well, robotic and more human like. It almost feels like being read to.

I've found it extremely useful for testing flow, pace and picking up consistencies my eyes might otherwise miss (having read these chapters who knows how many times now).

Anyhow, figured I'd pass it on :)

This is a useful tool to know about. As a test, I used a section of a rather dry article about publishing and marketing, choosing Emma to read in British English. The result was a strange mix of stilted and robotic with some finely nuanced inflections in how she said words.

I just tried to see how she'd say "I love you, Paul." Nah, she's insincere!
Neato! Certainly better than the Word version (which I still found helpful for revision). But will use this from now on.
I recently discovered this text-to-speech tool and have been using it to help revise the chapters in my WIP.

Yes, I realise MS word has a Read Aloud capability too, however, the voice in this tool has more nuance, which makes the read out sound less... well, robotic and more human like. It almost feels like being read to.

I've found it extremely useful for testing flow, pace and picking up consistencies my eyes might otherwise miss (having read these chapters who knows how many times now).

Anyhow, figured I'd pass it on :)

I tried this, too. It's useful. Thanks
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