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Apr 13, 2018
Greetings, fellow Litopians! My name is Eugenio Salvato, but people know me as Gino. As you may have guessed, I have Italian parentage, but I grew up in Leeds. I have three passions in life: my family, my writing, and my football (LEEDS! LEEDS! LEEDS!). I am currently putting the finishing touches to my first fantasy novel, PREY FOR THE DYING (something I hope @AgentPete will look at). As is often said, writing can be a lonely endeavor. So, I look forward to getting to know some like minded people. Hopefully, we can all learn from each other, and maybe (from time to time) even lean on each other. Remember, fellow Litopians: "Teamwork makes the Dreamwork!"
Hello :) Like minded. Heaven forbid! It's a right bunch of individualists here but we all love stories, books, films, writing - and reading, let's hope. Another island here, hopefully helpful and yes indeed, lots learned here. This is a friendly place.
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