Karen Gray
Whatever works for you. If I had to do it longhand I'd not be able to. Half the time I can't read my own writing (think GP script spider crawling across page) I can only write neat if I really really concentrate. Plus because of the dysbraxia I tend to choke the pen to death and it kills my hand. Typing is the only way I can sustainably write.The thinking of ideas is easy. The planning the stories is easy. The editing the stories is easy.
But the sitting down TO WRITE SOMETHING BRILLIANT RIGHT NOW freezes me.
I am, of course, aware, and have written on my blog, that no one writes anything brilliant in the first draft. It's still a block for me.
I've tried to trick my way around this lately by writing my stories longhand. I keep a longhand journal, and I never have any problems writing away in my journal because it's not formal. So I've been curling up on the couch with a notebook and trying to write fiction longhand so that my brain thinks I'm just scribbling instead of composing Great Literature.
So far, it works well.