Free event: Getting published as a debut author

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Nikky Lee

Nikky Lee
Full Member
Jul 27, 2018
New Zealand
This just came through on the emails—though I'd share :)

Getting Published as a Debut Author | Reedsy Live

How do first-time authors land a publishing deal? Caroline Leavitt and Gina Sorell offer a novelist's perspective on this timeless question.

About this Event​

So you want to be an author? In today's world, you can either choose to self-publish or pursue a book deal with a traditional press.
In this webinar, we'll be joined by Caroline Leavitt — a bestselling author of 12 novels — and Gina Sorell, whose debut novel, Mothers and Other Strangers, was published by Prospect Park in 2017. They will discuss their experiences within the traditional publishing world and reveal their best tips for:
  • Querying agents
  • Making sure a manuscript is dressed to impress
  • Navigating the muddy waters of traditional publishing
Their discussion will be followed by a Q&A on all things related to publishing. So bring your best questions!
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