Craft Chat Four lessons for authors

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Interesting. Not sure I like the idea of stalking someone online...though it makes some sense...a bit creepy.
Thanks for posting!
It's so easy. With as connected as everyone is, people check in everywhere they go, post about who they're with, their phones are tracking GPS most of the time, and now we have smart watches to do the same. Technological innovations are just making this easier. (Not that I'm advocating against technological innovations - I'm quite a fan of them actually.)
It's so easy. With as connected as everyone is, people check in everywhere they go, post about who they're with, their phones are tracking GPS most of the time, and now we have smart watches to do the same. Technological innovations are just making this easier. (Not that I'm advocating against technological innovations - I'm quite a fan of them actually.)
Which is why I don't check in everywhere I go, post about who I'm with...I find it really weird when people do that. Why the hell do I care that a slight acquaintance on the other side of the world is currently having a beer at Bob's Brewery with some other guy I've never met? *sigh* I'm not really a Luddite, but the current obsession with broadcasting every moment of your life mystifies me. Most of the time, my own husband doesn't know where I am during the day...why would anyone else care?
Which is why I don't check in everywhere I go, post about who I'm with...I find it really weird when people do that. Why the hell do I care that a slight acquaintance on the other side of the world is currently having a beer at Bob's Brewery with some other guy I've never met? *sigh* I'm not really a Luddite, but the current obsession with broadcasting every moment of your life mystifies me. Most of the time, my own husband doesn't know where I am during the day...why would anyone else care?
We care, Robinne. And just to prove it, here -- just for you -- is the perfect vehicle for all your short entomofiction: The Journal of Unlikely Entomology! Further info can be found here - About Us :)
Oh, this is great, Marc! I hadn't come across this before. I once had a raft of bug poems (26--one for each order of insects...before they discovered another) published in Insects Are People Too, a nothing magazine that probably had a print run of 10 and put out a few issues before closing up shop. But the NZ Entomological Society's magazine has a section for fiction, too--entomologists are a creative bunch, and many of us write about our bugs.
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