Fanfare! Flash Fiction....

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Thank you Jackson. Thank you for reading :) It started life in Litopia's monthly flash club contest. That was the kick start. Then it sat in a file for a year or two and I worked on it some more.

They are open for submissions.
Crack the—crack the—crack, crack, cracking piece of writing. Shivers! :writing-hand: Excellent news and a wonderful flash! I loved it here and I love it even more where it is now. :)
Splendid salmon, @Rainbird! The layout is very elegant.

They're in the US and they're on Twitter...also looking for poetry submissions and other things.

Thank you all, for the very kind comments. And to our Flash Club which started it.
It started here.

Entry finally got published @CrackTheSpine Literary Online Journal. Complete with a suitably splendid salmon picture.

Crack the Spine Literary Magazine - Issue 252.

Click the cover, you'll see the contents. Quickest way in is to click the name to open the page.
I liked it, quick and painless, no unnecessary words.
I like Salmon, very tasty.
I am in the process of sending a short story, I wrote with my daughter, to 'Crack the Spine'. It's only a coincidence but that term relates in a way to the story. It's about premeditated murder and the plans of mice and men.
I had a very short story for IU but I got the date wrong and missed the deadline by four hours.
I hope you are not upset about me voicing my opinion on authors paying to be published and the rest. I proofread for friends for free. I didn't come here to earn money but to communicate as I don't get around much anymore.
Thank you.
Thank you Bill, and best of luck with your sub :) The more good news to share, the better! No-one here sells to anyone else...but we have one or proofreaders and editors among us, and of course they have their own insights and experiences to bring to the table.

I.T. has been an absolute godsend, physically unable to get out and about so easily as before. Has kept the world wide. 1993, I remember telling students that this thing was coming soon, - 'The Information Superhighway', aka the internet. The speed of development has been incredible. Too fast, probably.
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