Richard Wilkes
- Feb 26, 2018
This isn't really a review, but I've just finished Darke, by Rick Gekoski. Enjoyed it, very well written. Got a fair bit of press coverage as the author is in his 70's and is his first novel. The novel is narrated by James Darke, who is a gruff, misanthropic curmudgeon - consumed by grief after the death of his wife. In places in it very funny, touching and honest. It made me think about writing in the first person. It has to be consistent to the character and it has to keep the reader in mind, otherwise it can veer into self-indulgence, (worse, self-pity) or the character can become a bit boring, or predictable. There were times during the book when I began to lose interest in the character, but the writer was skilled enough to haul me back again. It has made me think about my own novel - all in the first person. I have very deliberately put it to bed for the last two months and started on something else - to give me some breathing space. I will look at it again very soon and see if it really is finished.