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February writing goals.

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Not setting a words-per-day goal, but am still averaging 2000 per day at the moment.
I am however determined to finish this first draft, whatever it takes. I will not be carrying on with it come March. No way.
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I'm five chapters into my WIP, and will complete another five this month, taking me to one-third of the way to The End. I had a peculiar moment of self-cannibalism last night, for I realised while I penned a chapter in which a cat burglar broke into a mansion, that I'd written just such a scene in 2017 for a horror story competition, so I adapted it for my new work. This saved a lot of time, but left me feeling slightly dirty afterwards! :oops:

I should really do something about selling myself, via blogging and social media, but lack the chutzpah to get going.
Do the final polishing/preparation of The Dragon Slayer's Daughter, and get all my ducks in a row for a big April marketing push. Start sending out the short stories I've amassed over summer. Figure out how the heck to start my next Dragon Slayer novel (I've got the plot all worked out, but don't yet have the perfect first scene), and start cranking that one out.

Oh, yes, and I want to do my first book trailer...mostly just for fun!
I've pulled out my series of dystopic stories and I am mapping what I need to do to finish them, figure out what I need to do to get the characters to the end.

I'm writing a new set of opening scenes for the Persian fantasy I'm writing. Those scenes need to be finished by next Wednesday.

Over the holidays I started something I call 'Dragon Trash'. It's YA, verges on fan fiction, but is really easy to write. I have to decide whether to keep working on it. It started out as an experiment in plotting, because I don't plot. I'm using a beatsheet. It makes me feel a little stuck but not so stuck I can't keep going. But I'm not sure -- maybe three things is too many things to work on at once.
Amber, just the title of that intrigues me. I'll bite: what is "Dragon Trash"?

Really? Blech ... Dragon Trash isn't the real title. I call it that because it's meant to be a reverse harem story. I don't know how long reverse harem stories have been a thing -- I noticed them around the holidays. I'm sure they're not actually new because ... well ... in its way Philadelphia Story is reverse haremish .... but anyway it's a coming of age sort of story and opens with the "test" .... and after the test, the protagonist goes on to their new life ...where complications ensue ... but like so many YAs .... when the protagonist is 'tested' .... they discover they aren't like all the other kids .... which causes internal conflict ... and a 'where do I fit in?' sort of quandary ... but of course ... how they're different is exactly what the world needs ... and so despite have no precedence .... and little support from the wise older people ... the protagonist saves their little world ....

Both of Laurel K Hamilton's book series are reverse harem. It's trash because there's sex in it. But I suppose we can call it romance ... if it makes everyone feel better.
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Last day of the month.

Mixed results really. First half, then same old same old. Boring as ever.

And then my tooth started to twinge.....

Now I had always considered myself a stoic type. Writing no matter what and invariably in the cracks as some wise old sage on here once remarked. Rain and Shine (literally-I work a lot out of doors, and into the early hours and even bought a pair of gloves with funny bumps on the fingers so that I could tap away on a screen without losing a digit to frost bite). But this tooth ache, which turned out to be an infected nerve, knocked me on my arse. Wiped out even the smallest hint of a creative desire. Not so much writers block as writers complete inability to even sign my own name, let alone spew out 500 words of the most inane and inept first draft dross you can image.

Ended up having the tooth yanked out yesterday and managed to face up to writing again this morning, on the back of a diet of pain killers and general all round relief that it was over.

I am officially a big girls blouse. :(
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