Do You Want To Be In My Book?

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
I’ve noticed this entreaty a few times since participating in Twitter. Authors offer to include someone in their next story, naming a character after them, if they’ll only sign up to their newsletter or buy one of their books; if their name is drawn out of a hat it will be immortalised. It’s a way of generating interest in your book and it doesn’t cost anything!

A few years ago, I confessed to inadvertently inserting myself into one of my Cornish Detective novels.
I may develop my fictional mini-me in the next story. Will my doppelgänger be a therapeutic move or will he come to haunt me? He’ll have to join the queue! :ghost:

I suppose that I could offer to include a reader as a named character, but, in the meantime, I wondered what sort of book I’d enter a draw to appear in…

I doubt that I’d have any luck in the Romance genre. I don’t fancy my chances in History either, as I’ve had several vivid nightmares where I died in gory ways at famous battles. I guess I could be a librarian in Fantasy or Science Fiction...if they still have libraries there and then.

I fancy my named character’s chances more in a Western yarn. Not as a deadly gunslinger, but cast as the grumpy town old-timer – a right old character – a miserable geezer. Such as played by Hank Worden in many a John Wayne film.

What genre of book would you like to be a named character in?

Imagine the book being adapted into a film, where you strut the silver screen!


Hank Worden in The Searchers.
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