Daily Word Counts of Famous Authors

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I love Jack London's. And he's right there around my daily word count, of maybe 1,500 — "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club."
Am I game to read this.... I'll be back! (Maybe) ... 10,000!! Nar, I don't believe that, especially not EVER day. It really depends if they mean their best days or an average? 600 seems a little low, but if you spread it over a year, when you spend days and weeks editing, then it seems reasonable. Interesting all the same :D
Am I game to read this.... I'll be back! (Maybe) ... 10,000!! Nar, I don't believe that, especially not EVER day. It really depends if they mean their best days or an average? 600 seems a little low, but if you spread it over a year, when you spend days and weeks editing, then it seems reasonable. Interesting all the same :D

10k!!! Wowzer!

I'm aiming for Nicole's daily word count. Currently am at around 300-500. Most of the time i find walking whilst plotting next chapter helps also reading and examining published children's author's writing is useful. Ever since i reread my first draft i've been exploring adding various plot layers and dialogue exchanges. Some work some don't. Still experimental stages. But with a looming deadline it has to come together...somehow.
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