Cover Letters for Competitions

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Claire MG

Jan 5, 2023
Hello Hive Mind! Looking for some advice please. I'm planning enter the Future World's Prize (in the UK) - psssttt, deadline is 6 Feb, get applying! 2023 | FUTURE WORLDS PRIZE

As part of the application you have to submit a covering letter, alongside first three chapters of the novel and a synopsis. I'm familiar with query letters to agents, but haven't ever had to write a covering letter for a prize entry. Any advice on what to write/include? Please and thanks in advance!

Claire x
Hello Hive Mind! Looking for some advice please. I'm planning enter the Future World's Prize (in the UK) - psssttt, deadline is 6 Feb, get applying! 2023 | FUTURE WORLDS PRIZE

As part of the application you have to submit a covering letter, alongside first three chapters of the novel and a synopsis. I'm familiar with query letters to agents, but haven't ever had to write a covering letter for a prize entry. Any advice on what to write/include? Please and thanks in advance!

Claire x
I have been told that a covering letter is what they call it (query letter in US) in the UK. So I would assume it would be similar for the prize entry (tailored), but we'll see what others say.
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I have a template cover letter which I then tweak to suit each agent I apply to. If I were to enter this, I would use my template:

First paragraph introduces novel, genre, wordcount (and in my case YA). This is where I would normally put why I'm submitting to this person.
Second paragraph: blurb (as in back of the book)
3rd paragraph: Two comparative novels (and why); what is special about this book (the Why now? question).
4th paragraph: mini bio and credits (e.g. shortlisted in X, another story published in Y etc.)

All this fits into 1 A4 page.

That's what I do for UK submissions.
I have been told that a covering letter is what they call it (query letter in US) in the UK. So I would assume it would be similar for the prize entry (tailored), but we'll see what others say.
A query letter asks permission to submit. Standard in USA and some other countries. A cover letter is shorter (always under a page of A4, if printed out) and accompanies a submission. British agents don't accept query letters, with maybe 1-2 exceptions. Think of a cover letter as being similar to the one that accompanies a CV/Résumé when applying for a job. It's never sent on its own.
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