Bridport competitions

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Ooooh, thanks Rachel. I might just send something in.

Is the story you sent me going into this comp?
Don't know. I wrote it on the spur of the moment, before I thought about the Bridport competitions. I'm not even sure I qualify because I'm not living in the uk. I think I might try... I'll have to have another objective look at it. Perhaps do something more with the ending.???
Bridport, Dorset is an interesting town, which I've visited several times. Its geographical position makes it idea for the growing of flax and hemp, which are used to make rope and nets and the town thrived on their manufacture.

Watch Rope and net-making in Bridport - BFI Player

After small beginnings, the Bridport Prize has grown to be one of most respected writing competitions; I might have a go!
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