Fanfare! Books released!

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K.J. Simmill

Okay so I am a little behind on this, I think I was so thrilled with the charity event that I may have forgot to mention.

My two books:

Herbal Lore - a non fiction detailing the medicinal and magical uses of herbs, as well as instructions on making things like tinctures, poultices, rubs, incense, etc


Darrienia - the first book in the Forgotten Legacies series (fantasy) the novel follows the protagonists as they are drawn into a game orchestrated by a fallen god in order to exact his revenge and reforge the world. The frailty of friendship is pushed beyond its limits, as untold secrets and dark histories are revealed and a true struggle between light and darkness begins.
(My elevator pitch isn't so good, but you get the idea)

Are now available for sale. I have made a few sales, so I am thrillied, now I am nervously waiting to gauge the response, if any.

The editing of the second book is going well, once that is done I can edit three and four. I am at a point at the moment where there is so much I want to write, but not the time to do it. I have the concepts of two more fantasy series, and an idea for a series outside my comfort zone, all competing for my attention. I feel like my writing is in a good place right now, but I really need more time.

Oh, and I have finished the short story I was asked to do for a charity anthology next year. I was so honoured to be approached. I just have one of my beta readers casting their eyes over it to see what they think before it gets submitted. I sadly had to turn down another request, I was asked if I would consider doing a horror one for a different charity anthology, but as I don't write in that genre I thought perhaps a little more experience is needed before I take on something like that.

I think that sums up my announcements, I hope you're all well.
Aww thank you, I will certainly return the favour :) how are things going with yours? Did you get your flight question answered?
Aww thank you, I will certainly return the favour :) how are things going with yours? Did you get your flight question answered?

@TakeOnPhysics referred me to the Royal Aeronautics Society, and I've been talking with the chairman of their Aerodynamics committee. I haven't heard back from him in a while with an ultimate answer, but he's already had some very good general ideas.
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