The given being expressed that books with action etc... are "masculine" is troubling to me. If you accept that def. you are telling a lot of women that they are weepy, dragon huggers and they can fuck off as readers. Or that they are actually autistic - ie "male-brained." FFS. Now I'm not only a TERF, I'm a male wo the advantage of peeing standing up.
The above conservative religious bias accepts a view of femininity that is inaccurate and full of pre-judgement. Here's where our opinions overlap. The publishing world is so risk adverse that they take only what seems a "no-brainer." Their statistics show them that young women on tick tock are spending the most money on books.
They also show that young men are spending even MORE on gaming - where the big money is. Books are just gleaning what is left over. If publishers thought they could go for the big bucks they would, but fighting to get men away from gaming would require more marketing skills and money resources than they have. As is pointed out by Novel Marketing elsewhere.
It would be nice to think that it's those girls going thru the slushpile ignoring you who are to blame, but it's probably going to be market forces if you look at it logically. The people telling those girls what to chose are mostly males making CEO bean counter decisions.
Write something that makes Britain feel good about itself and more clever than the Americans as Ian Fleming did post WW2 and make it as readable and engaging and I'm betting you're in a bidding war before you can say Jorden Peterson, over 10 million copies and counting.
The Novel Marketing guy is spot on when he goes through how few books are actually sold by the big publishers. His predictions for publishing in 2025 are actually more interesting than his conservative Christian views on zeitgeist. (Have a look at that "hard man vs weak man" chart and tell me that thinking is not behind the current destruction of American democracy. As the anthropologists whose opinions he touts "prove", weak men have taken over and strong men must rescue the world. Or strong Man?)
I genuinely wish that the men who think about ancient Rome 3 or 4 times a day thought about classical Greece instead. If so they would recognise it is sophism that weakened Athenian democracy. It's why Aristotle invented his system of logic to counter it.
If you think your actiony,' info dumping' story has what it takes. Submit it here. This foundation is dedicated to encouraging and publishing just those kinds of books.
Prize | Wilbur & Niso Smith Foundation
As is brought up in other Novel Marketing videos, Christian publishers are also looking for these "masculine" stories. Why not submit there? However as the NC Pastor featured in the video on trad vs self found out, once published by even a niche publisher you face financial realities that may make you turn to self-publishing.