Book Piracy

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Thanks for that! As it happens I was checking my books online last week and discovered that they were all up on scribd - for free reading online. I worked up a head of steam after checking that I hadn't loaded them myself (!) So, I wrote a DMCA note and sent it through.

They replied quickly telling me that the books had been made available via Ingram's CoreSource Plus distribution service.

Ingram do distribute my books and I'm in the process of checking the contract.
Yes, Smashwords has put my books on Scribd--free reading online. I'm not entirely sure how to feel about this, as it looks to me the books suffer on Scribd the same thing they suffer everywhere else--no one finds them. I'm guessing it has made no difference to me that they're available free there.
There may be a good reason to give all or part of your book away for free, but unless it’s part of a coherent marketing campaign I can see no value in it: particularly if the author doesn’t know about it!
Not to detract from the seriousness of this subject, but good grief, Pete! Had I not been told that was you, I would never have believed it! You look totally different!

Back to the subject: I totally forgot that I put my first book on Smashwords, nearly 10 years ago! I better go check what happened to it, I guess...
Not to detract from the seriousness of this subject, but good grief, Pete! Had I not been told that was you, I would never have believed it! You look totally different!

Apparently, this also is the same man. What separates us is 15 kilos :)
@AgentPete So, you are successful in a field I am desperate to enter, you are a really nice guy, you have stopped being part of the fat-bloke club and the first time we talked, you accused me of having a slight Scouse accent.
Dude! There is only so much hatred I can have for one man!:p

Seriously though, good job on the weight loss. I am thoroughly jealous.:)

EDIT: on top of all that, is that Macca you are stood with?! Can't zoom in on the article.
I used to be a gym bunny, then did something incredibly stupid one day - piled on the weights doing leg presses until bang! Disc exploded. A couple of years of serious pain and almost no exercise ensued. Fat bloke club enjoined. Disc injuries also sap your confidence in a particularly unpleasant way, other men I've spoken to say the same. Anyhow, yoga turned me around, and I'm now a yoga bore to anyone who will listen :)
I used to be a gym bunny, then did something incredibly stupid one day - piled on the weights doing leg presses until bang! Disc exploded. A couple of years of serious pain and almost no exercise ensued. Fat bloke club enjoined. Disc injuries also sap your confidence in a particularly unpleasant way, other men I've spoken to say the same. Anyhow, yoga turned me around, and I'm now a yoga bore to anyone who will listen :)

I read this while eating a Cornetto. So...yeah...:oops:
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