My problem with marketing full stop, is organisation. I'm pretty disorganised in my everyday life as it is, but when I'm writing I get so absorbed that everything else is brushed to one side.
Marketing requires a plan and then it is an everyday commitment to that plan. I've tried, but the plan always falls to pieces because I'm committed to completing the latest novel or script.
Also, my novels don't fall into a particular genre. My novels are always cross-breeds (mongrels). This was a problem when I did start a course on Amazon advertising. The course required me to download software that would dredge the keywords of similar novels. Firstly, I struggled to find similar novels and secondly it all became just too boring and time consuming. I've spent thousands of hours and money on Amazon ads. There was a time I was getting a million impressions a day, but it was costing me a small fortune with few sales.
I'm currently trying to create a platform by adapting the novels for TV and the Big screen. Currently I have one screen play out with the BBC (they received 4,988 submissions during the recent window), and two pilots with independent producers. The two pilots are backed-up with a completed series of episodes and I've just finished a third pilot, but have decided to hold back on writing the other episodes until I've sold the pilot. Next week I will start another pilot with the target of finishing that by the end of Feb. The TV series market is saturated at the moment, but I intend to bomb it.

If I can get my foot in the door with one producer, I can begin networking on the inside. We'll see.
So I do have a plan and I have a back-up plan in the effort of creating a platform. I have two novels of a series finished and I'm ten thousand words into a third (which is shelved at the mo as I focus on scripts), but once I can brush everything else aside I will finish the third quickly and then I will release the first novel for free. I feel very confident that once a reader has read the first they will want the second and then the third.... It will become a series of novels that will simply go on and on... I'll never get tired of writing this character(s) stories. Again, we'll see. Fingers crossed
For me now, it's about writing material. If I can get one to take root then the rest will follow.