Baen Books, DAW, and Tor Submissions Guidelines

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Thanks, I send to Baen back in March, but you have to wait 9 - 12 months. DAW (penguin) require 3 months exclusive and a full printed novel. Hm. ;)
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I sent to Baen in May; I'm taking a look at the others now!

Tor has a very low word requirement, and DAW only accepts hard-copy submissions. It will be expensive for me to print out my 265k manuscript, but I can hardly expect them to publish it if I won't print it out myself. That used to be the only way to do it, and how awesome would it be for Penguin Books to pick me up!
Perhaps @Jason Byrne you could print out a sample and explain the magnitude of your book. I can imagine their faces when the largest UPS box turns up on their desk :) They may decide to allow an email submission for you lol
Perhaps @Jason Byrne you could print out a sample and explain the magnitude of your book. I can imagine their faces when the largest UPS box turns up on their desk :) They may decide to allow an email submission for you lol
You know what, or e-mail them first and ask them how they handle situations like that. You raise an excellent point. Worse-case, they will just say "don't bother," and I'm not out anything.
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