Authors' earnings (and more) survey

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Shoot, you put Rowling in here and it'll skew any numbers. The median is the telling bit, 4,000?
Not exactly what you want to read, but reality general kicks!
It's also worth considering how much hard work it is to sustain that living wage (if you're lucky enough to achieve it) just from writing.
I spent some time in a writers' retreat a while back and met a professional American memoir author who worked over ten hours a day and had to keep 5 different books on the go (in various stages of development) to earn a living out of it.
It sobered me right up!
Yup, hence why I am branching into art and web media as well as writing, best plan if I want to be able to support the kiddles and hubby while working from home. Shame the odds are stacked against me but I won't grumble about the establishment right now... at least not much ;)
Similar situation here, Karen, i plan to utilise the sewing machine my husband bought me for my birthday to make vintage and movie inspired clothing and accessories. So I will be looking for commissions in the near future. Here's hoping we all make some decent money, living comfortably for a change.
Jen there are SOOOOOO many items in my book that I want it's not even funny. Up to and including a black ballgown with box pleats of royal stewart tartan.
Jen there are SOOOOOO many items in my book that I want it's not even funny. Up to and including a black ballgown with box pleats of royal stewart tartan.

Maybe in about a year or so for the gown, lol. Would you settle for a luxurious faux fur scarf and matching black satin gloves? For the moment at least. I have a commission for my hubby and a friend to attend to first before I get into costuming properly.
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