Anybody else get this?

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Ah, yes.
I've got that itch too. Not even finished with one and I'm already plotting out to new stories in my head.
The best part of writing is that point of pure creation. Just you and an empty page. Anything can happen. It's a Disney magical time.
This stage is hard. It's more like the magic that sucks out a piece of your soul each time you draw upon it.
The Disney magic phase is better than crack. The soul-sucking phase is jonesing when the supply has run dry.
That said, even when the Disney is flowing, you know you're gonna have to get clean at some point.
I opened Inkarnate once, and before I knew it, it was three days later.

Having to return to the real world was something of a cruel wrench. See, thing was, I was on the prow of my galleon adrift in a lilac sea where dyresnakes surged around the hull and treacherous sirens sang bewitching songs from the craggy rocks.

To tell the truth I might have still been there only Mrs Jonny turned on the telly.

Ant and bloody Dec killed my adventure stone dead.
Writing is rewriting, and then rewriting, and then rewriting, and then rewriting, and rewriting, and rewriting, and ...
Got to Whoa ... Damn, forgot something, have to go back and rewrite from Go and ditch all the previous rewriting.
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