Anthony Horowitz takes an extreme view of criticism – and revenge

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E G Logan

Full Member
Nov 11, 2018
Liguria, Italy
From The Times (of London):

"In his forthcoming [detective] novel, Anthony Horowitz has taken a metaphysical approach to revenge for a critical mauling [of a play he wrote] by killing the Sunday Times theatre critic.

"Horowitz, the acclaimed creator of several adult and children’s fiction series, has confessed that he goes into a “dark place” whenever his work is criticised. “Even one review will really, really upset me,” he said at a recent talk. “It can last years.”"
From The Times (of London):

"In his forthcoming [detective] novel, Anthony Horowitz has taken a metaphysical approach to revenge for a critical mauling [of a play he wrote] by killing the Sunday Times theatre critic.

"Horowitz, the acclaimed creator of several adult and children’s fiction series, has confessed that he goes into a “dark place” whenever his work is criticised. “Even one review will really, really upset me,” he said at a recent talk. “It can last years.”"

Genius! Cathartic for him obviously, lol.
"Horowitz, the acclaimed creator of several adult and children’s fiction series, has confessed that he goes into a “dark place” whenever his work is criticised. “Even one review will really, really upset me,” he said at a recent talk. “It can last years.”"
Hmm. Everyone says you need thick skin to be a writer. Conversely, you could just write your critics' deaths.
From The Times (of London):

"In his forthcoming [detective] novel, Anthony Horowitz has taken a metaphysical approach to revenge for a critical mauling [of a play he wrote] by killing the Sunday Times theatre critic.

"Horowitz, the acclaimed creator of several adult and children’s fiction series, has confessed that he goes into a “dark place” whenever his work is criticised. “Even one review will really, really upset me,” he said at a recent talk. “It can last years.”"
The Staircase comes to mind. I wonder if he's married?
This is very apposite as far as I'm concerned.

In my current WiP I have a character who is based on the most obnoxious boss it was my misfortune ever to work for. And only this afternoon I (metaphorically I hasten to add) signed his death warrant.

He will be checking out in one of the next scenes I am to write after falling prey to several ravenous Jaggle Beasts. Why he strayed into their pen I don't suppose anyone will ever know. Ah well... sometimes shit happens.

This is precisely the number of tears I will be shedding at his passing: 0

He will be checking out in one of the next scenes I am to write after falling prey to several ravenous Jaggle Beasts. Why he strayed into their pen I don't suppose anyone will ever know. Ah well... sometimes shit happens.
My story, too, has a character that resembles someone (in some ways) who troubled me in the past, but I'm letting him live. It's almost worse that he does. Death was too easy.
My story, too, has a character that resembles someone (in some ways) who troubled me in the past, but I'm letting him live. It's almost worse that he does. Death was too easy.
I had plans to let mine have a bit more time, but yesterday he outlived his purpose and I tried to just get him fired but my MC wouldn’t have it.

That meant I had to think up an expanded plot for him. But that felt like the real person was giving me grief. So I thought, you did enough of that already, so you’re toast, mate.

Thus his fate was sealed. :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing:
All the dead bodies in One Magic Summer are based on real people who've been in the papers for cruelty to animals. Including the Irish Kingpin who was buying horses for slaughter and selling the meat to Tesco as beef. I take great delight in their gruesome ends.
Hmm. Everyone says you need thick skin to be a writer. Conversely, you could just write your critics' deaths.
That'd mean a lot of dropping bodies. OTOH, in Chances Are, one of the villains is the editor with whom my fallout led to the end of that career. It's much healthier than actual revenge.
An old editor of mine (one I still like) fell afoul of one of his reporters. The reporter found a second career. So the editor showed up as three different assholes (with slight variations in the name) in The Wire.
to be honest, I found it flattering, but you did not raise The Wire, or Simon, with him and escape within an hour.
This is very apposite as far as I'm concerned.

In my current WiP I have a character who is based on the most obnoxious boss it was my misfortune ever to work for. And only this afternoon I (metaphorically I hasten to add) signed his death warrant.

He will be checking out in one of the next scenes I am to write after falling prey to several ravenous Jaggle Beasts. Why he strayed into their pen I don't suppose anyone will ever know. Ah well... sometimes shit happens.

This is precisely the number of tears I will be shedding at his passing: 0

I had my bastard ex-boss shot.
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