Owen Latchkey
Hi all. First, my computer is finally back up and running after 5 months. Not a hard problem to fix, but I've just been busy with life. Today I saw an interesting perspective on writing. It was a saying that every time you write you improve to an extent that when you look at your previous writing you always think it is terrible. This implies a vicious cycle. You write, but then your previous work looks terrible, thus you are discouraged, you write again and so on, never happy with your work. Granted, this in general is a trend with a lot of writers, always thinking their work is terrible. I always think my previous work needs a lot more work when I look at it. Anyway, I thought it was a good thought that we are always improving and our previous work is not quite as bad as it might seem. Also, I wrote a Halloween short story that was both actually short and well received at the party where I read it, so I'm a happy writer.