A Writer's Life

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
This New Yorker article made me smile, as I recognised myself in many of the traits of what it means to be a writer:

The Writer | The New Yorker

I particularly related to, 'The lines blur between the Writer and the characters he creates on the page. At times, he is unsure where his life stops and theirs begins.'

I sometimes wonder whether my characters are haunting me—or am I haunting them, by blundering onto the pages of the story I'm creating to direct their actions? We follow one another around, that's for sure.

In my father's house are many mansions. JOHN 14:2

Now, I am no church goer but I think that's a profound poetic truth.

'We're all of us haunted and haunting.'

Well said Chuck
It seems to me the author was pointing out the pretension of 'The Writer' who says things to themselves like:

The lines blur between the Writer and the characters he creates on the page. At times, he is unsure where his life stops and theirs begins.
He's taking the mick, that's for sure. That's one insufferable portrait he's painting, and probably only too true to life in many cases.
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