A rabbit that sends your child to sleep

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
A book written by a Swedish behavioural psychologist and linguist Carl-Johan Forssen Ehrlin is currently outselling Harper Lee’s Go Set A Watchman and Paula Hawkins The Girl on The Train.


It's sending children to sleep all over the world. Useful to know, should you have a troublesome toddler.

As a qualified child carer, I find this intriguing and might research more into the book itself. From my own perspective and experience, the main reason bedtimes are stressful is because the parents/carers expect a battle and project their own stress onto the child, who in turn becomes anxious and agitated. Or there's no consistent bedtime routine. You'd be amazed at how successful a bath, milky drink and a story can be.
There's nothing remarkable about this. I've read plenty of books that can send you straight to sleep, though admittedly none of them had a picture of Benjamin Bunny trying to start a pillow fight whilst off his face on pot.
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