E G Logan
Full Member

[My last contribution on this subject. Promise.]
This one came this morning. A perfect example of the point I was trying to make: no need for the 'we didn't feel strongly enough/it didn't enthuse me...' stuff.
Still utterly uninformative, but hey!
Very gracious. I feel let down so gently it hardly hurts.
AND if I ever (oh, please) have something I think might be The Next Big Thing, this lady will be the first agent I send it to. (I also have a Deepest Darkest Circle of Hell list of those who didn't bother to reply – they'll never see anything else of mine.)
The italics are mine.
Dear (Correct First Name),
Thanks so much for your query! I’m always grateful for the chance to consider a project someone has poured their energy and passion into creating. Unfortunately, I have determined that this project is not the right fit for me at this time.
Please remember that this is a highly subjective business, and another agent may well feel differently. I encourage you to push forward, and I wish you the best of luck with this project.
Literary Agent & SVP, New York Agency
This one came this morning. A perfect example of the point I was trying to make: no need for the 'we didn't feel strongly enough/it didn't enthuse me...' stuff.
Still utterly uninformative, but hey!
Very gracious. I feel let down so gently it hardly hurts.
AND if I ever (oh, please) have something I think might be The Next Big Thing, this lady will be the first agent I send it to. (I also have a Deepest Darkest Circle of Hell list of those who didn't bother to reply – they'll never see anything else of mine.)
The italics are mine.
Dear (Correct First Name),
Thanks so much for your query! I’m always grateful for the chance to consider a project someone has poured their energy and passion into creating. Unfortunately, I have determined that this project is not the right fit for me at this time.
Please remember that this is a highly subjective business, and another agent may well feel differently. I encourage you to push forward, and I wish you the best of luck with this project.
Literary Agent & SVP, New York Agency