A book claims acquisition editors check your dialog first

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Pamela Jo

Full Member
Oct 26, 2021
Wexford, Ireland
"the first thing [an acquisition editor does] is find a scene with some dialogue. If the dialogue doesn't work the manuscript gets bounced."

This is from a book on self-editing. It has a ring of truth to it. I would bet this may be advice for editors just starting out. What do you all think?
"the first thing [an acquisition editor does] is find a scene with some dialogue. If the dialogue doesn't work the manuscript gets bounced."

This is from a book on self-editing. It has a ring of truth to it. I would bet this may be advice for editors just starting out. What do you all think?

Totally buy it. Dialogue takes practice. It has to flow and bounce off what was said before in some way. I find myself watching this a lot:

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