Hi everyone, I'm not new here, and this greeting is not me introducing myself. Rather it's me offering a belated welcome to all the new people I've missed in March. I'm doing it like this to avoid bumping eleven threads all at once. I hope you're not offended.
Life has kept me away from the keyboard recently, so I've not been as active here as I'd have liked. Hopefully things will soon be back to normal.
But in the meantime – @manabukun, @CSwriter, @WillHue, @J_I_P, @Charles Ott, @Tim James, @mykey987, @Zclesa, @lrholland, @AlexT, @Virginie BB, and anyone I've missed – welcome to the Colony!
Life has kept me away from the keyboard recently, so I've not been as active here as I'd have liked. Hopefully things will soon be back to normal.
But in the meantime – @manabukun, @CSwriter, @WillHue, @J_I_P, @Charles Ott, @Tim James, @mykey987, @Zclesa, @lrholland, @AlexT, @Virginie BB, and anyone I've missed – welcome to the Colony!