26 Calls for Submissions in June - Paying Markets

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May 27, 2016
Here are 26 calls for submissions in June. All are paying markets. (Payments range from $10 - $1000) There are many more calls for non-paying markets as well. (See note below.)

Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity: 26 Calls for Submissions in June 2016 - Paying Markets

Genres include fiction, speculative fiction, horror, personal essays, poetry, steampunk, children's literature, and nonfiction articles. (Basically everything.) Some of these calls are for themed issues, so make sure you read the full guidelines before submitting.

Note: I post calls for submissions during the last week of every month. But if you want to get a jump on upcoming calls, you can find a list of sites that regularly post submission calls (paying and non-paying markets) on Calls for Submissions.
Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction or fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery. (That's from Wikipedia.)
I have probably read 6 of those books on the list Carol, and I never knew they where 'steampunk' In my Pet Food books, I have a scene where the class are using a 'diference engine' to calculate some stuff, can I class my WIP as steampunk I wonder?
I have probably read 6 of those books on the list Carol, and I never knew they where 'steampunk' In my Pet Food books, I have a scene where the class are using a 'diference engine' to calculate some stuff, can I class my WIP as steampunk I wonder?
I'm not even sure when the genre name was coined, to be honest, or what the actual requirements are. But hey, why not use it if it seems to fit? :)
@KG Christopher
From hubby, who writes steampunk:
Put simply, it's science-fiction from a Victorian's point of view. It's steam, meaning that it's derived from the world of a Victorian England (the gadgets and clockwork), and it's punk which means it's gritty, a little absurd, and about the common person.

All of the different punks take one specific kind of technology and emphasize it, creating a whole set of technology off that idea. E.g. cyberpunk does that with the internet, steampunk with steam engines, dieselpunk with gasoline and diesel engines, clockpunk/daespunk which does clockwork/da Vinci-style stuff.
@KG Christopher
From hubby, who writes steampunk:
Put simply, it's science-fiction from a Victorian's point of view. It's steam, meaning that it's derived from the world of a Victorian England (the gadgets and clockwork), and it's punk which means it's gritty, a little absurd, and about the common person.

All of the different punks take one specific kind of technology and emphasize it, creating a whole set of technology off that idea. E.g. cyberpunk does that with the internet, steampunk with steam engines, dieselpunk with gasoline and diesel engines, clockpunk/daespunk which does clockwork/da Vinci-style stuff.

You mean there is more than one type of punk sub-genre? my head's in a spin.
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