You are luckier than me , I have yet to personally meet a single editor, I need to get out more.
Concerning finding some of these editors with "magic powers" that I assure you are real but which you keep insiting are not , you can use Google and type in 'manuscript assessment service'. The first one that popped for me was this company Manuscript Assessment - The Literary Consultancy
And here is a list of authors they have worked with who went on to be traditionally published. Please note there are dozens upon dozens of testimonials so it may take time to peruse. Lots of them thank the editors for helping them see flaws in their book as well as connecting them with agents.
Success Stories - The Literary Consultancy
Success Stories from The Literary Consultancy. TLC is very proud of the talented writers it has helped over the years. TLC did not set up as a talent
This was the second one to pop for me. Home | Cornerstones Literary Consultancy
Apparently they have relationships with numerous agencies and display many of the great titles they have helped the author with that went on to be published.
That's just two companies.
Oh my goodness, I would NEVER touch a Literary Consultancy service... for obvious reasons.
Good luck to you anyway. At this point we should have the pleasure of seeing you in print, should we not?