
  1. Jazzissimo

    Fanfare! Hello and THANK YOU From Steve Wiest (AKA "Jazz")

    A Long Overdue Greeting and Statement by Steve Wiest (AKA “Jazz”) LITOPIANS! ‘Tis I -The Prodigal Jazz Man!!! I return for a brief visit with an update and some mighty business indeed. First of all: Hello and MUCH LOVE to you from what used to be known as The United States of America. Sadly...
  2. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Politicians should wear....

    Politicians should wear sponsorship jackets like NASCAR drivers, then we know who owns them. Robin Williams
  3. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Politics is.....

    Politics is show business for ugly people. Paul Begala
  4. Jay Aitch

    Modern challenges

    Dear Litopians, It's been five years since I was last on the site and how the world has changed ... I wish to ask, given the current 'liberal' climate, do middle-aged, straight, white authors stand a chance of achieving publication? I ask this because in reviewing several...