
  1. Pamela Jo

    News Sci Fi and Fantasy sales rise-Guardian
  2. anaximander

    Welcome… I’m New Here! Hello there

    Hello, I'm Anaximander, I'm 55 years old, I live in the Netherlands. Been a member since September but only now getting around to checking out the site. I'm working on a fantasy novel; I'm almost at the end of Act I and currently I'm sick and tired of it and in need of a breather. I've been...
  3. Jake E

    Craft Chat A resource I found useful.

    Hey everyone, As a Historian/Archaeologist by vocation, I found this little resource a great reference to writing medieval fantasy towns and cities. Thought I'd share.
  4. Rich.

    Guy Gavriel Kay: Just Enough Light: Some Thoughts on Fantasy and Literature.

    I'm sharing this because it's: The antidote to Brandon Sanderson! (whom I've read and enjoyed, I should say -- the "antidote" bit is clickbait) YouTube description: The eighth annual J.R.R Tolkien Lecture on Fantasy Literature. Broadcast online from Pembroke College, Oxford, Tuesday May 11th 2021.
  5. Katie-Ellen

    News Ahoy, New US Agent Opening for SFF Submissions 10 October

    Rick Lewis @ForGoodBooks Follows you Reader. Writer. Editor. Literary agent with @MartinLitMgmt representing speculative fiction authors, including sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and magical realism. Charlottesville, VA
  6. pcenteno

    Science Fantasy Audiobook

    Hey everyone, my SF novel Maz'hura is a finalist for Next Generation Indie Book Awards (Next Generation Indie Book Awards - Winners). Below are some reviews. With the positive feedback I have received, I decided to advertise the audiobook for the first time. I will mostly use Spotify and...
  7. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Fantasy doesn't....

    'Fantasy doesn't have to be fantastic. American writers in particular find this much harder to grasp. You need to have your feet on the ground as much as your head in the clouds. The cute dragon that sits on your shoulder also craps all down your back, but this makes it more interesting because...
  8. Rich.

    What fills you with wonder?

    Hi everyone, That question above – What fills you with wonder? – I've been thinking about it lately, thinking about what I like to read (all kinds of things) and what I like to write (mostly fantasy). I love that feeling of awe, that feeling of smallness that wonderful things engender. The...
  9. Rich.

    To the fantasy readers and writers, recommendations needed

    I'm reading V E Schwab's Shades of Magic series and thoroughly enjoying it. I was hoping that those of you in the know might be able to recommend something similar. I'm looking for other authors writing character-led commercial fantasy along similar lines to Shades of Magic. Can anyone help me...
  10. Kitty

    Follycon (Eastercon 2018)

    Did any Litopians attend Eastercon last weekend? What did you think?
  11. Gully

    New aspiring author looking for an agent

    I am the author of a new children’s novel based in a magical fantasy world. I’ve even been brave enough to submit my opening for discussion at the pop-up. Here’s hoping 2018 is the year my whole will light up when I see it in print. “No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you...
  12. Rich.

    What's the state of Fantasy Fiction?

    Hi everyone, I was hoping, once again, to pick your brains. This one's for the fantasy fans. In your opinion, who are the big names in fantasy these days, what kind of stories are selling, and what does the future hold for the genre? I can google all this and do my own research (which I...
  13. Katie-Ellen

    Paperback Heroes Wednesdays BBC 4

    Presented by Andrew Marr. Last night he talked about Fantasy. GRR Martin, who wrote the novels which later produced Game of Thrones, inspired by a visit to the UK and Hadrian's Wall. The programme featured Tolkein, GRR Martin, CS Lewis, Alan Garner, Ursula le Guin, JK Rowling, Phillip Pullman...
  14. Katie-Ellen

    Paperback Heroes

    Last night UK BBC 4 at 9 PM....'Paperback Heroes 'with Andrew Marr. What makes a paperback compulsive reading? Last night they looked at the detective story. Val McDermid was on to Jimmy Savile and put him in a novel...disguised by being handsome and charming or he might have recognised himself...