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  • On next Sunday's Pop-Ups..."Water" - ya sci-fi from Andy Dickenson; "Blue Shift" - science fiction from Dan Payne; "love and care" - personal narrative/memoir from shaun deeney; "Pay the Premium" - historical fiction from Joanna Beresford; "The Life and Death of Harry Peace" - crime / thriller from David McKeown. Join us in Litopia's chatroom, 5pm UK
    On today's show... urban fantasy by Jeff Fulmer; adventure chapter book by Sarah Wynne;
    horror by Marc McGowan; autobiography/urban drama by George Ofurum; urban fantasy satire by Rob Stoakes. Join us in the chatroom @ 5pm UK
    SORRY!!! I have inadvertently just forced all members to re-accept the Terms & Rules. My mistake! They haven’t changed! See, I'm overtired :(
    On Sunday's Pop-Up Submissions: crime/psychological thriller by Andy Duffin; thriller by D.E. Toft; crime by Dean Baxter; literary fiction by Dienye Asita; non-fiction by Adam Meadows, MD. Join us!
    Coming up on this Sunday's Pop-Up Submissions... "Broken Soldier" - non fiction by Robert Brown; "The Puzzling Tale of Jigsaw the Giraffe" - middle-grade fiction by Sally McKenna; "The Cheesemongers of Moisy-le-Grand" - middle-grade fiction by Chris Yugay; "Free Me" - mystery/crime by Megan A. Dell and "The Only Road" - historical fiction by Mike Durell. Live at 5pm UK!
    Props to our antipodean Litopians for getting up to join us live at crazy o’clock, not just for Pop-Ups but also for last night’s first Huddle. Their contributions were brilliant & sheer motivation a lesson to us all :)
    On Sunday’s Pop-Ups - "Secret of Heathcote Manor" - upper middle grade time travel adventure from David Weller; "The NooSphere" - general fiction from Dave Meyer; "The Skill" - literary from Louis Coulomb;"Adam Brodie and the Monster from the Dark Planet" - children's middle range fantasy from Paul Glynn and "Weasel" - literary thriller from Adrian Keefe. Join us live at 5pm UK!
    On this Sunday’s Pop-Ups… "Night Flight To Shoebury" - crime fiction from David Taplin; "Defeating The Wolves of War " - fantasy fiction, adventure fiction from I J Noble; "The Dream Journey - An exploration of Consciousness" - spirituality from Ronny Ferrier; "The Secret Memoirs of the Last Haggis Hunter" - gothic horror from Keith Hughes; "Undying To Meet You" - paranormal romance from Jenny Mason. Join us live in
    On this Sunday's Pop-Ups... "Weight of the Heart" by Barbara Murray; "The Omega Star" by Benjamin Samuel Cairns; "From Taps to Hope" by Greg Kempf; "Europe Or Death" by Samuel Edegwa; "Wild Man" by Alex Paget. Join us live in the chatroom here at 5pm UK!
    There’s a pesky issue with Anonymous Posting that I’m still trying to solve. Apologies, everyone – it’s taking ages. I’m still on the case :(
    Eva Ulian
    Eva Ulian
    Now why would anyone want to post anonymously? I believe people should be able to stand up to what they say. I would get rid of that feature, except for the flash club, which is a different thing altogether.
    It's just for the Flash Club, Eva.
    Andy D
    Andy D
    Thanks Pete, great show on Sunday
    On tomorrow's Pop-Ups... "Bad Stats" by Danielle Imara; "Avengard" by Don Light; "My Happiness Comes First!" by S. Gh. STAN; "About Me To Hate" by Craig; "Clear as a Glass Eye" by Cage Dunn. Join us live at 5pm UK! in the chatroom & YouTube
    On this Sunday’s Pop-Ups… "Besotted Boy!" - commercial fiction from Ernest Pick; "Danny's Choice" - ya/fantasy/adventure from Jim Erith; "Little Faustus" - young adult/horror from Bertie Nuttall; "A Fool's Diary" - roman-à-clef; fiction from Brian Hurley and "Darkness & Light" - sci-fi from Kyle Hoy. Join us in the chatroom at 5pm UK!
    On tomorrow's Pop-Ups... "A Continuum of Love" by Martin Hallgarth; "Me and my Murderers" by Darren Burgess; "Where Wild Flowers Grow" by Karen Smith"; The Hairy Hominid - The Throne of Hall’e-Loamba" by Steff McAndrews; "Home Again" by Michael Zimmerman. Join us live at 5pm UK!
    Eva Ulian
    Eva Ulian
    Oh what a shame, I'll have to miss it live since I have relatives arriving from Manchester and I am hosting them. All the best anyway.
    Eva Ulian
    Eva Ulian
    My relatives from Manchester haven't arrived yet. Just got a phone call to say they are still in Austria. So, it seems I'll be able to join in this evening's Pop-Up! Yea!
    • Like
    Reactions: Emily
    Featured on Sunday’s Pop-Ups...
    "Dead Last" - adult fiction from Mike Fiorilli;
    "Into the Blight" - fantasy from Stephen Dunks;
    "The Megafauna" - ya scifi from Chris Hollis-Thompson;
    "Stoneberry" - paranormal horror / magic realist from Connor Glaze;
    "The Brilliant Pebbles" - prophetic from David Beveridge.
    With special guest Icy Sedgwick, author of Westerns, Gothic tales, & Fantasy. Join us at 5pm UK!
    It may be a long weekend here in the UK, but we've still got a stonkingly good Pop-Up Submissions for you tomorrow, usual place & time :) Details follow.
    Steve C
    Steve C
    Love that word 'stonking' Think it applies to Ben Stokes innings that won us (Brits that is) the 3rd test only minutes ago. One of those unbelievable sporting moments!!!
    If I can stay sober I will watch this 'Submissions' live :)
    Today's Pop-Up Submissions features historical fiction by Sanjay Agnihotri; childrens by Samuel Giles; literary fiction by Matthew MacLachlan; a new age / adult fantasy murder mystery by Ellen A. Hunt and science fiction / hard-boiled detective by Kevin Bragg. Join us at 5pm UK
    He’s the author of the 'Thriller of the Year'. His twisted serial killer baptizes his victims before killing ‘em. And – oh yes – Rev Peter Laws just happens to be a Baptist minister, too! Our next fascinating guest on Pop-Up Submissions, this Sunday Pop-Up Submissions with Special Guest Rev Peter Laws
    40TB of storage arriving today, building a NASbox. Only a sad geek would be excited by this. I'm excited.
    A nasbox is like a very large hard disk. But it's attached to your network, not just to one computer, so any computer on the network can access it. It protects your data against disk failure (they can and do fail, hope you’re taking backups!). The simplest way it protects your data would be by copying everything onto two disks, not just one. So if one fails, you’ve still got a good one. .../...
    .../... Therefore, the raw capacity of 40TB will actually come down to a bit less than 20TB of effective storage space. Each show is about 3GB when compressed to MP4 format, therefore 20TB could hold about six and a half thousand shows! At two shows a week, that would be about 65 years worth. I think we’ll be OK :)
    Eva Ulian
    Eva Ulian
    Thank you for that explanation, you are better than google! A good investment for Litopia- Bet it cost a pretty penny!
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