You Can Control The Messages You Receive!

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Sadly, we've just had a member leave Litopia, complaining that they were getting too many communications from us. Can I take this opportunity to remind everyone that you can very tightly control the amount and type of messages you automatically receive in your account settings.

If you find you’re getting too many Push Notifications (those little boxes that pop up in the corner of your browser) then you can disable all of them, or just some of them. Likewise with emails. If anyone has any trouble with these settings, please ask in the help forum – but don’t just walk out! :) p.
I've found the watch/unwatch a useful button. But members should know that if you want to catch someone's attention, and not fall into the trap of believing you're being ignored, then you need to specifically name them with the ampersand.
Is there a sticky somewhere prominent which tells members about disabling the notifications? If not, I wonder if it's worth putting one up?

Shame to lose members because something so fixable!
Myself, @RK Capps, @Barbara and @Rich. have formed a pincer movement in the Welcome Lounge threads, which amounts to a pretty comprehensive new member induction...I guess one of us could simply add the advice about turning off the push notifications if they get tiresome...

(...and then, I could copy everyone's little speeches and amalgamate them into a new member guide... What's it worth? :D )
Erm, talking of which, I don't get push notifications these days anymore. The new site came at the same time as a browser update at my end so I don't know. Email notifications are selective too (mainly for the PMs and only for the Corons meme thread). I've ticked all boxes. I've unticked all boxes then re-ticked them. But ... I MISS THEM. Anything I can do at my end to fix this?
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