When a FILM Afterwards Becomes A NOVEL

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Novelizations of movies is relatively popular. I have a book version of Star Wars Episodes 1-3. I've seen them come out for Indiana Jones and the newest Star Wars as well.
I haven't read many - only the SW one I own. Personally, I think it would depend on the movie, though. If it's very visual, it probably would do better as a movie. If it has a lot of internal conflict, it would do better as a book. The SW one I have I go back and forth on. I **LOVE** Star Wars movies. All of them. And Episodes 1-3 have a lot of visual portions of different planets they're exploring that do really well in a movie. But the characters' motivations come over much better in the book.
If it's very visual, it probably would do better as a movie. If it has a lot of internal conflict, it would do better as a book.

Well put.
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