What spring has sprung for you lately?

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Sep 28, 2017
Spring is upon us! – here in the global north, at least. And I'm in central Spain, so spring really is in full bloom. It's lightening, uplifting, and soul-smile-enriching.

So what have you read recently that lifted your soul? What books are fit for spring? (I've just finished reading Sailing to Sarantium by Guy Gavriel Kay, which had a more autumnal feel than springtime – it's a tale of searching for renewal while all around is ending.)

And if you're in the global south or the tropics, same question but with appropriate mood and weather applied. What books mirror the feeling of this time of year?
I go out walking every day here in England, Rich, and it is so heartening to see and hear birds singing and plants and trees coming into bud. Particularly the magnolias. just wish it would warm up a bit. Still really chilly round these here parts.

Re books, if you haven't read it I can't recommend Andy Weir's The Hail Mary Project highly enough. It is inspiring on so may levels.
i have, have, have to say The Way I Used to Be by amber smith, which i read at the beginning of the month, shook me up in the best way. it's a wonderfully tragic coming-of-age story with a writing style and hook that held on to me from the moment i saw the cover to the moment i flipped the last page. plus, beautiful flower-themed cover!
i have, have, have to say The Way I Used to Be by amber smith, which i read at the beginning of the month, shook me up in the best way. it's a wonderfully tragic coming-of-age story with a writing style and hook that held on to me from the moment i saw the cover to the moment i flipped the last page. plus, beautiful flower-themed cover!
and thanks for reminding me about this because i just discovered it has a sequel... i know what i'm reading next!
if you haven't read it I can't recommend Andy Weir's The Hail Mary Project highly enough
I saw your review in the What I'm Reading thread, and it may well be the book I read next! :)

it is so heartening to see and hear birds singing and plants and trees coming into bud
It so is! It's my favourite time of year by a country mile. Round where I am it's all rock rose, lavender and poppies, so you get these carpets of white, yellow and violet with splashes of red – it makes a glorious technicolor change from winter.

The Way I Used to Be by amber smith [...] beautiful flower-themed cover!
I hadn't heard of this, but judging by the cover and the Amazon blurb, it certainly looks metaphorically spring-like, although that front-cover flower also looks (appropriately, given the blurb) traumatized. I'll put this one on my reading list!
My Easter read has for a number of years been The Exorcist. Or rather, I've listened to the audiobook narrated by William Peter Blatty himself. There's just something about a long walk in the spring sun, listening to this dark but heroic tale.
There's just something about a long walk in the spring sun, listening to this dark but heroic tale.
The spring sun anaesthetizes the terror, maybe? ;)

I do agree it's a fantastic book. I first read it years ago while I was a student at university, staying alone over the Christmas holidays in a large and very empty hall of residence. I left on all the lights between my room and the communal kitchen until long after the book was finished!
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