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Hi, I'm JoAryn and my friend just convinced me to sign up for this colony. I don't quite know what I write yet, as I'm still growing as a writer and as a person. My current WIP is a futuristic, possibly sci-fi, political thriller that actually started as a romance. I guess it qualifies as speculative fiction. In addition to my (hopefully) original work, I should also admit that I write fanfic. I like to think I use it to practice different techniques but in all honesty, it's probably mindless drivel.
Hi JoAryn! Welcome to the colony :) I have written a piece of fanfic as well and found it a fun way to both practice writing and building characters. It's hard to work off of other people's creations! Is your current WIP a novel, short story, or something else? We have people from every stage of writing, from beginners to published authors and everyone in between. We're a pretty open (sometimes too much lol) group, so come on in :)
At about 60,000 words so far, I guess my current WIP is aiming for "novel". Since it's still unfinished, I'm sure it's going to be much longer, but it's also very rough so I expect to lose quite a bit of chaff in the editing. I also have notes for a short story (also speculative), but as it doesn't even have one sentence written, I don't think I can really classify it as as WIP ;)
Welcome, JoAryn! I grew up writing years of mindless drivel fanfics! Resident Evil, Legend of Zelda, Pokémon... everyone has to start somewhere!
I'm glad to hear that others have written fanfic :) I first started writing fanfic when I was eleven - at the time, they were still accepting cold submissions for Star Trek: The Next Generation, and it wasn't meant to be fanfiction, it was my prepubescent hopes of writing a Star Trek episode or novel. Sadly, they were never picked up ;)
I'm glad to hear that others have written fanfic :) I first started writing fanfic when I was eleven - at the time, they were still accepting cold submissions for Star Trek: The Next Generation, and it wasn't meant to be fanfiction, it was my prepubescent hopes of writing a Star Trek episode or novel. Sadly, they were never picked up ;)
Gid'day JoAryn. Oh a Star Trek fan, you'll go far! I have vague plans for an Star Trek novel, but admittedly it's on the bottom of my pile ofpossibilities ;)
That is the same exact age that I had my start as well, JoAryn! Fist bump. I read a lot of the Star Trek and Star Wars published fan fiction when I was a teenager — now that I'm thinking on it, it really is more than just a way to cut your teeth, get your start, and other such idioms. Look at Sherlock Holmes, and the Beekeeper's Apprentice fan fiction by Laurie R. King.

You know what, Alistair? I actually started writing a Voyager fanfiction, around twelve or thirteen when I was writing Resident Evil, Legend of Zelda, and Pokémon fanfiction! I had completely forgot! It was something along the lines of,
"as quick as they had left, suddenly the ship was back home, but everyone found out after so long journeying to get home it was all they knew, and when they actually got there they couldn't take settled existence."

I even started a Matrix fanfiction! Holy crap, I can't believe I forgot. It was something like,
"Neal is a kid who looks like Jason Byrne, and one day was freed from the Matrix, and basically went through the same exact process as Neo but was way better than him at everything, and totally made friends with Neo and Trin and Morpheus and this other guy who was half man-half agent.

I actually see best-seller potential, there? Like it could be made into a movie, you know?
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I actually started writing a Voyager fanfiction, around twelve or thirteen

Jason, Star Trek: Voyager is actually my primary fandom for fanfic at present - there's a rather robust community that I'm part of that organizes biannual story exchanges which helps me keep writing. Outside of Star Trek, I've written fic for The X-Files, JAG, Law and Order: SVU, Burn Notice, and Firefly, but Star Trek is the one I come back to.

Science fiction is my favorite genre and I'm trying to go through and read all the classics of sci-fi (Asimov, Bradbury, Gibson, Herbert, McCaffrey, etc), but I also try to make sure that I read a wide variety of books including non-fiction, biographies, literary fiction, fantasy, mysteries, and occasionally romance.

I have a massive collection of reference books on names, if it can be of use. They include historical perspectives on names, the linguistic origins of names, the (deeper) meanings of names, names popular in various cultures and areas, and mass-market baby-naming books. I can't copy out entire books, but I am happy to do research for others.
Jason, Star Trek: Voyager is actually my primary fandom for fanfic at present - there's a rather robust community that I'm part of that organizes biannual story exchanges which helps me keep writing. Outside of Star Trek, I've written fic for The X-Files, JAG, Law and Order: SVU, Burn Notice, and Firefly, but Star Trek is the one I come back to.

Science fiction is my favorite genre and I'm trying to go through and read all the classics of sci-fi (Asimov, Bradbury, Gibson, Herbert, McCaffrey, etc), but I also try to make sure that I read a wide variety of books including non-fiction, biographies, literary fiction, fantasy, mysteries, and occasionally romance.

I have a massive collection of reference books on names, if it can be of use. They include historical perspectives on names, the linguistic origins of names, the (deeper) meanings of names, names popular in various cultures and areas, and mass-market baby-naming books. I can't copy out entire books, but I am happy to do research for others.
I'm right there with you — I need an education in the greats as well. Even in fantasy — I'm on the verge of a good Kafka/Machen binge, myself.

FIREFLY!! Ah, yes, you are most welcome here! :D
Yeah that's about all you've got to say to be okay in Nicole's book. Or Castle. Pretty much anything Nathan Fillion-related.

The only prescription that will cure me is more smarmy!
I'm right there with you — I need an education in the greats as well. Even in fantasy — I'm on the verge of a good Kafka/Machen binge, myself.

Yeah that's about all you've got to say to be okay in Nicole's book. Or Castle. Pretty much anything Nathan Fillion-related.

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The only prescription that will cure me is more smarmy!
I am a very big fan of Nathan Fillion. His sense of humor matches mine near perfect, which is why I love both Firefly and Castle. And his random appearances in movies, like in the Percy Jackson movie that came out a few years ago. (Also, why my books have a Castle-esque feel to them. Because it's already my sense of humor.)
I am a very big fan of Nathan Fillion. His sense of humor matches mine near perfect, which is why I love both Firefly and Castle. And his random appearances in movies, like in the Percy Jackson movie that came out a few years ago. (Also, why my books have a Castle-esque feel to them. Because it's already my sense of humor.)

You will love.
Mind blown.

She died about 2 years and 4 months ago, the day before Mother's Day 2013. She was a former copy-editor on a newspaper and really helped me with my technical skills in writing.
She died about 2 years and 4 months ago, the day before Mother's Day 2013. She was a former copy-editor on a newspaper and really helped me with my technical skills in writing.
I'm very sorry to hear that — my wife lost her mother almost six years ago; she says she still thinks of her each and every day, at least once, and also her brother now eleven years. But it must bring you a sense of pride, each and every time you utilize everything that she taught you, that her lessons live on in your work.
Nice to meet you, welcome to Litopia. Fanfic is definitely a good way to stretch the creative muscles. I look forward to hearing more about your WIP in the future.

on a side note @Jason Byrne was it good, it is on my to watch list, has been since I saw Firefly a few years back, I can't believe it got cancelled. I don't normally follow actors, but I haven't seen Nathan Fillion in anything I haven't liked.
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