Two Dates For You In February…

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Thank you to everyone who participated in the very first live Pop-Ups Catch Up… a live event for Litopians only, no frills or fancy graphics - just you, me and 50 submissions. It took us a couple of hours, but we came out with 14 subs that are now being recorded by our fabulous team of narrators, and you’ll see the first ones on Pop-Ups this coming Sunday. Very exciting!

The next Catch-Up will be on Saturday 15th Feb, again kicking off at 5pm UK time. There is no need to book a place, please just turn up in the Litopia chat room and dive in!

The next Huddle happens on Saturday 22nd Feb at 5pm UK time. This is a free-form, and private, event for you to raise anything you want to. Your work-in-progress, your proposal, any other issues or concerns, and obviously you can pitch directly to me, too. There are a maximum of ten places available and priority booking is open now for Full Members. To book, simply add your name to the list here.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the very first live Pop-Ups Catch Up… a live event for Litopians only, no frills or fancy graphics - just you, me and 50 submissions. It took us a couple of hours, but we came out with 14 subs that are now being recorded by our fabulous team of narrators, and you’ll see the first ones on Pop-Ups this coming Sunday. Very exciting!

The next Catch-Up will be on Saturday 15th Feb, again kicking off at 5pm UK time. There is no need to book a place, please just turn up in the Litopia chat room and dive in!

The next Huddle happens on Saturday 22nd Feb at 5pm UK time. This is a free-form, and private, event for you to raise anything you want to. Your work-in-progress, your proposal, any other issues or concerns, and obviously you can pitch directly to me, too. There are a maximum of ten places available and priority booking is open now for Full Members. To book, simply add your name to the list here.
So, I hope to one day be able to sign up for a Writer's Huddle. As it stands, however, I work at the library every OTHER Saturday morning, from 9:40- 1:40, which in Seattle time, is, of course, during the huddle. I seem to be on the wrong track for meeting up each month. At least I was for January and February. I was wondering, is the Huddle always set up in weeks, i.e. every four weeks, or is it the 2nd weekend of the month? I'm hoping I can try for March 14th, which I have off.
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