Tweet tweet my lovelies

Free writers' talks in Bristol (UK)

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Full Member
Sep 25, 2014
If you use Twitter, you might find this a useful tweeter to follow.

If you don't, well, it's not the be all and end all of your market research (AgentP's site says he hopes to find a big, international thriller; pass the word if you know anyone who's written one and is looking about) but maybe have a read of the article anyway.

(Free use image, I always check)

I'm afraid even after having twitter (and my facebook page is linked to it), I can't understand the point of something that limits you to a mere two lines? Not something that seems practical to me, and I have enough to do anyway. If someone can get something useful out of that, good for them. Clearly they have more patience than little ol' me lol ;-)
U can cheat w links. Twitter can provide leverage within 140 but it took me a while to experience that. When I first tweeted it was re: Tarot. Agents tweet, and publishers, and they tweet zeitgeist and submission opps. An agent might tweet they are currently building their list, actively looking for such and such a type of story while others might say, maxed, not open to subs at this time.
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U can cheat w links. Twitter can provide leverage within 140 but it took me a while to experience that. When I first tweeted it was re: Tarot. Agents tweet, and publishers, and they tweet zeitgesit and submission opps. An agent might tweet they are currently building their list, actively looking for such and such a type of story while others might say, maxed, not open to subs at this time.
Good stuff!
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Free writers' talks in Bristol (UK)

Ey yup, publicity opportunity for American friends here
