This was a very reasonable course. By Tuesday I am promised a portfolio of answered questions that were submitted on the night. TYM was pithy and charming as usual. The few absolutes: First and Foremost don't confuse your reader. Make sure characters and story arcs serve the main story. Accept you may be cutting huge swathes of story arcs that dont really advance the plot. For everything else - it depends. If you can make it work -go for it. The best info I got was YES characters can switch POV within the story. One can be in first, then another in 3rd, etc. Just be consistent with that POV and character. This helped me a lot with the Gothic horror I want to be starting soon. Yes it may appear to be obvious, but I found it freeing. The course cost about 30 euros and went for 90 minutes with the additional notes expected.
The next course is Oct 18. And you get 10 percent off if you are a subscriber to her newsletter. Code word: NEWSLETTER
The next course is Oct 18. And you get 10 percent off if you are a subscriber to her newsletter. Code word: NEWSLETTER
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