Thought of the Day

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Paul Whybrow

Full Member
Jun 20, 2015
Cornwall, UK
How To Deal With The Press

She’ll urge you to confide. Resist.
Be careful, courteous, and cool.
Never trust a journalist.

‘We’re off the record,’ she’ll insist.
If you believe her, you’re a fool.

She’ll urge you to confide. Resist.

Should you tell her who you’ve kissed,

You’ll see it all in print, and you’ll

Never trust a journalist

Again. The words are hers to twist,

And yours the risk of ridicule.

She’ll urge you to confide. Resist.

But X is nice,’ the publicist
Will tell you. ‘We were friends at school.’
Never trust a journalist

Hostile, friendly, sober, pissed,
Male or female – that’s the rule.
When tempted to confide, resist.

Never trust a journalist.

Wendy Cope


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