THOSE Christmas Circulars

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Sep 25, 2014
'They' will very likely be composing those circulars already. Gah and bah humbug!

Bah humbug, I like that. You start seeing xmas stuff in the supermarkets from October, off with xmas and the commercial stuff. Keep the presents though ;)
No pressies for me. My job to buy! Christmas Pudding and home made cream sauce. Yum. Only a small helping though. And what are we seeing in the sky of the best things from now through winter. Orion!

Love Christmas for the family togetherness, the commercial aspect sickens me though. If I could, I'd make my own decorations and everything.
No pressies for me. My job to buy! Christmas Pudding and home made cream sauce. Yum. Only a small helping though. And what are we seeing in the sky of the best things from now through winter. Orion!


Yep, I'm with you on Orion, get my Celestron A130 out in the cold evenings, nothing better. I ususally get seriously in trouble keeping the children up until 2 AM and my better half wondering we have all got too
I ran away from home because of Christmas. My mother has always gone totally overboard, starting as soon as possible in the year--she says that as a kid, I'd get so overwhelmed I'd cry (yet she never toned it down to help me get through). When I had children, it got even worse. So I moved to NZ. Now, we don't start celebrating Christmas until I make the first strawberry jam of the year (usually beginning of December), and instead of spending the week before Christmas in frantic preparation for the day, we go backpacking. Not that we don't consider Christmas ahead of time. We always make a new Christmas tree every year, and sometimes we have to start well in advance so that it's ready (like the year we grew scarlet runner beans on a teepee and hung ornaments on it--the Christmas Bean). But it's all about doing things together as a family.
I revolted against Christmas during my rebellious years. My mother loves Christmas, too, and she'd make us listen to Christmas music all the time as soon as the radio stations put it on. (Which, in hindsight, was probably fair considering my brother and I made her listen to hard rock music the rest of the year.) It wasn't until I moved out and could ease myself back into Christmas that I started enjoying it again.
Hahaha! I shouldn't laugh because it's heartbreaking. But my wife has already started playing Christmas music in the car.
Hahaha! I shouldn't laugh because it's heartbreaking. But my wife has already started playing Christmas music in the car.

NOOOOO!!!! My daughter walked out of band practice two weeks ago when they started practicing Christmas music. She has also refused to practice the Christmas music she was assigned in piano.
My husband has found two Sirius XM stations that already have Christmas music, too. The main street near my apartment has had Christmas lights on the trees for about a month now.
Yup — they went up on trees along Market about the same time, I'll bet. Neat that they do that in your area, too. They were putting them up on the fire station around the corner from our apartment a few days ago.
Yup — they went up on trees along Market about the same time, I'll bet. Neat that they do that in your area, too. They were putting them up on the fire station around the corner from our apartment a few days ago.
I think the lights are actually on the trees all year round, but they don't turn them on until (now) October.
Yeah, well, since all the Halloween and Christmas traditions involve autumn and winter, they all irritate me here, because they don't make sense. People actually spray that stupid fake snow on shop windows here at's the SUMMER SOLSTICE! *sigh* So while all the songs and businesses are trying to pretend it's winter, everyone else is going to the beach and having their 'traditional' Christmas barbecue! And, of course champagne with strawberries...starting at about 11 am...actually makes you want to start the celebration early, now that I think about it...;)
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