This Is A Question Indeed...

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Woodchucks don't actually chuck (throw) wood, of course, but, since they are a burrowing rodent, they do know well how to toss around some dirt. So calculating a typical size of a woodchuck burrow, which consists of three rooms and a tunnel leading to it that is roughly six inches wide and extends 25 to 30 feet. We can determine that 35 square feet of soil needs to be excavated to create such a burrow. Knowing that a cubic foot of soil weighs 20 pounds, we can calculate that a woodchuck can chuck 700 pounds of dirt a day. This calculation leads by extension, to the answer that, should a woodchuck be so inclined, he could chuck about 700 pounds of wood as well.

(I *totally* nicked that explanation from Google :nerd-face: )

I, myself, would have said 27.
Upvote 3
I agree with Pete.

(But you're really not going to like it)

The answer is 42.
But what are the units! I'm always getting on my maths students' cases about this--units are important. There's a big difference between 42 cords, 42 cubic metres, 42 trailer loads, 42 linear metres (maybe he's chucking 4 x 2s?) (to use just three of the units in which I've bought wood) :D
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But what are the units! I'm always getting on my maths students' cases about this--units are important. There's a big difference between 42 cords, 42 cubic metres, 42 trailer loads, 42 linear metres (maybe he's chucking 4 x 2s?) (to use just three of the units in which I've bought wood) :D
Gosh! I just buy wood as "small logs, please."
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Woodchucks must be named 'woodchuck' for a reason, I say.

In the chuckle woods a groundhog, hiding out from the groundhog day pirates, saw them coming for him.
He scrabbled. He burrowed. But, alas! A pile of sticks and branches prevented burrowing and scrabbling.
The cheerful, terrifying humans came, seeking a fat groundhog to play their game.
So... he chucked.

The humans paused in their stomping through the forest like giants. They pointed at him in amazement.
And a legend was born....
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