The (un)Inspired Wordcount

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Is this a problem for you? I track seat time, lame as that seems. In education, the issue is always about how much the students have learned, so seat time is a cruel joke.

On the creative side, the issue is about how much is created. The sumo brush and a second? A masterpiece. A writer and a decade? Another.

I just sit down and write every day of the week. Six in the morning. I may not be a great writer, but I am persistent.
I was obsessed with it for a time. Now I need to start seat time instead, perhaps, because word counts are so hard for me. It's something I've done with running: run even if you don't have enough time to run enough for it to "count". Just run. And I'd like to duplicate that process to writing. Just write, even if I don't have enough time for it to "count."
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