Wow. Just wow. So sorry you witnessed that! We do block a lot of what we can't deal with as kids. I remember blurting out to my best friend in high school that my dad was cheating on my mom, and then had no idea where that came from (though I knew in my gut it was true). I still can't remember any specific things that I saw or heard, but when, 12 years later he had another affair, my mom mentioned that it wasn't the first time. I said, "yeah, I know".
But as for paranormal events, I've seen so many real live badass things...If I were to see a ghost, I'd be like, "Yeah, um, 'scuse me, but you're blocking my view of those wolves...d'ya mind?" or "Hey, will ya back off...I'm up to my elbows in this goat's uterus, trying to untangle her kids...I don't have time for the supernatural...kinda up to my eyeballs in the natural."