The New Hall of Fame - Help Us Celebrate Our Members’ Successes

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
I’m sorry to admit that, all too often, we’ve been so focused on the day-to-day activities of the Colony that we frequently forget to celebrate our members’ publishing successes.

Well, that’s about to change.

As of today, we now have a brand new public-facing Hall of Fame.

This is a rather splendid new area for members to post details of their new or forthcoming books, together with buy links (every link to your book is valuable, and coming from such an old website as Litopia, it carries extra weight with the search engines).

So please, take a moment to fill in the form you’ll find at the bottom of the page, upload a cover picture, and let us celebrate your publishing achievements!
How fabulous. I see there are already a few listings.

Cheeky question. Could we have a separate tile with a link on the Colony's front page for the Hall Of Fame, the way we have the Marketplace and Seminars? It would be like having a cake shelf where we can look and drool.
How fabulous. I see there are already a few listings.

Cheeky question. Could we have a separate tile with a link on the Colony's front page for the Hall Of Fame, the way we have the Marketplace and Seminars? It would be like having a cake shelf where we can look and drool.
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