Well, apart from the stockpiling, the main evidence of panic in other areas I've seen has been the flight of wealthy, non-native Spaniards to other countries. Let's hope they keep themselves isolated for couple of weeks when they arrive, eh?

Spain now has the fastest spreading rate of contagion in the world, which isn't all that surprising, given the point I made in my post above.
The kids in my classes at school were all pretty calm and I spent some time talking to them about it all and relaying sensible information, which I think they found reassuring. My sixth-form class had some dark humour going on and Javi took a picture of all of us together "in case it's the last time". I told him to share it with me so I can use it as our Google Classroom "memorial" picture. There were a lot of shouts of "have a good isolation!" and "see you on the other side!" as we left school yesterday afternoon. People being rueful and keeping their spirits up, basically.
Of course, the shops are largely empty, although that's down to lack of re-shelving rather than stuff running out.
There's a lovely video that's doing the rounds on Twitter: "Yo me quedo in casa...por ti...por todos" (I'm staying at home for you, for everyone)
Husband and I are busy getting our heads around the online learning tech and repurposing lessons. Our school is going to continue online as much as possible. Thankfully, we managed to borrow a couple of school IT computers, seeing as there will be times when all four of us here will have to be participating in online lessons at the same time. Whether our bandwidth will cope, is another matter. And if the internet goes down...well. We raided the school library before we left on Friday.
My own two children are being very calm about it all. We've kept them in the loop, telling them the facts that we know and that we've all got to be sensible and do things differently for a while. They're enjoying the novelty so far, but it's only Day 1!!
We're exceedingly lucky that we live a bit out of town, so plenty of space to get out and stretch our legs without worrying about getting into crowds. We've just got to keep our fingers crossed that we don't get the bug, or if we do, we only have it mildly and don't give it to anyone else. All healthy so far, anyway. The thing that concerns me is if we need urgent healthcare for any other reason. Our local hospitals haven't been hit so far, but I suspect it won't be long before they are. (We're in the Valencian region...Madrid has had the worst outbreak so far).
Crazy times.