The End--Celebration milestones

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Robinne Weiss

Full Member
May 19, 2015
New Zealand
I've just finished the first draft of the last book in a series, and was sitting in my office celebrating, considering whether to take an hour off to reward myself for the accomplishment. Then I wondered if I should--I already know of edits I need to do, but put off in the interests of getting the first draft completed. In reality, finishing the first draft is just one milestone in a long journey.

But it's worth celebrating nonetheless. In fact, I think it's absolutely necessary for us to celebrate those milestones along the way to publication. How else will we keep our spirits up and our motivation strong to continue if we don't take time to acknowledge how far we've come?

I celebrate the completion of an outline, reaching the half-way mark of the first draft, the completion of the first draft, the first wave of Beta reads, the completion of structural edits, the arrival of the completed cover, the final proof-read...

What milestones to you celebrate as a writer? And how do you celebrate them?
When I finish something that has taken some effort, not necessarily a book or a chapter, anything deserving of a reward, I like to go somewhere. I pick a town, here in Thailand, I've not been before and book a hotel for a few days. I leave my computer behind but not my wife and we veg out and explore. I like walking around places, looking around new corners and eating out plus talking to strangers. We live in an out of the way place so towns can be refreshing. Max one week and I am eager for home. :)
Sometimes I have to celebrate the completion of a sentence...;)

But seriously, on completion of a full first draft you deserve a pat on the back and a rest, preferably doing something completely different for a while. Then you can embark on your next project, or the editing if you like, with refreshed and renewed vigour.
My problem is never being entirely convinced I have got to the end. Just finished another set of edits of book 3 of my series and have the feeling I should go through it again for the nth time. Wish my brain would let me off the hook!
My problem is never being entirely convinced I have got to the end. Just finished another set of edits of book 3 of my series and have the feeling I should go through it again for the nth time. Wish my brain would let me off the hook!
That's why you have to celebrate when you can! If we waited until we were 'done', we'd never celebrate anything.
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