Thank You, Denizens of the Pop-Up Genius Room :)

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Thanks to everyone who took part in today’s new-style Pop-Up Submissions. The behind-the-scenes tech has taken several weeks to get working, and although I’ve repeatedly tested every element and integration, today’s show was the first time we stress-tested the entire system… and it worked!

It was a very beta show today, I have yet to find my way round the new control surfaces, and exciting elements are still in planning stage and may take a few more weeks to emerge. But we now know the heart of the new system works. Phew!

I’m taking this week off, paddling in Whitstable. Will give you a sitrep on my return. Look after the place, and I’ll see you next Sunday :) p.
Have a lovely holiday, Pete. Thanks and gratitude for all you do for us aspiring writers! I really think I'd still be lost down my own rabbit hole, if I didn't have Litopia and the lovely friends I've made on it. :man-rowing-boat: xxx
Have a great break and say hello to Jeeves if you see him. But be sure that you are in the correct attire, suitable for the time of day and social situation. Because, shrimping or not, his eye for the sartorial faux pas is ever-vigilant. ;)
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