Ten Mistakes Writers Make...

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The number 10 one is a good lesson. Imagine that you finally get published despite all the moaning and then they drop you because it's become habit forming for you to stop moaning! Wow.
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The number 10 one is a good lesson. Imaging that you finally get published despite all the moaning and then they drop you because it's become habit forming for you to stop moaning! Wow.
It also goes along with what we were talking about in the staying positive thread. :) It's extremely difficult to be around someone, in real or cyber life, who does nothing but complain or see the negative side of things.
It also goes along with what we were talking about in the staying positive thread. :) It's extremely difficult to be around someone, in real or cyber life, who does nothing but complain or see the negative side of things.

Yes, unfortunately negativity can be contagious which is why the thread on positive mindset is so powerful by @Paul Whybrow .

Living with negative family is so hard for me. Just the moaning annoys me..i end up moaning about their moaning!!
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