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Fanfare! Submission Gong

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Oh...right. Definitely have like 7 more gongs from the last few weeks.

Yo, @Jason Byrne. Where you at? The gong hasn't been rung (rang?) in a while. Didn't we put you in charge of that?

Thank you for noticing. I had two computers at the old building, because of permissions issues, that I rolled back and forth between.

When we moved the company to the new office, the wrong one got set up at my desk, and the IT guy still hasn't gotten around to setting up the other computer — the one with all my files on it, that doesn't choke at the slightest tasks. I have everything backed up to OneDrive, but on the off chance the local version is newer, I haven't done any querying or beta-reading since the move. Every day, an old query letter expires, and I panic a little because none of them are being crossed off on my list, or new ones sent out to replace them.

Do you ever have deja vu @Nicole Wilson? I swear, I remember typing this exact post, in exactly the out-of-order way I always write them, from like two years ago.
Thank you for noticing. I had two computers at the old building, because of permissions issues, that I rolled back and forth between.

When we moved the company to the new office, the wrong one got set up at my desk, and the IT guy still hasn't gotten around to setting up the other computer — the one with all my files on it, that doesn't choke at the slightest tasks. I have everything backed up to OneDrive, but on the off chance the local version is newer, I haven't done any querying or beta-reading since the move. Every day, an old query letter expires, and I panic a little because none of them are being crossed off on my list, or new ones sent out to replace them.

Do you ever have deja vu @Nicole Wilson? I swear, I remember typing this exact post, in exactly the out-of-order way I always write them, from like two years ago.
I do have deja vu, and it's the weirdest feeling. Like something crawling at the back of my head.
Aw, come on you squeamish folks! I have a jar of head lice (dead) in my office. Used to take them round to schools for the kids to look at under the microscope--the highlight of the programme for some kids! And they play a pivotal role in one of my novels ;) And yes, the lice in my office came off my own kids--ah, the hours bonding over ectoparasite removal! o_O
Wishing you all the best of luck, ye who ding the dong! Oops o_O. I'm currently re-writing my ms atm, and not submitting until it flows a lot smoother. I shall be giving a dong before the year is out, well, that's my intention.

Hi Jennifer, I know the feeling of re-writing a ms until it flows better. I am always looking for structures that can help my narrative stay more attractive to a reader.
Aw, come on you squeamish folks! I have a jar of head lice (dead) in my office. Used to take them round to schools for the kids to look at under the microscope--the highlight of the programme for some kids! And they play a pivotal role in one of my novels ;) And yes, the lice in my office came off my own kids--ah, the hours bonding over ectoparasite removal! o_O
We would get along famously.

Also, I seem to recall an urban myth about a crawling sensation inside your head and sushi parasites.
You know, oddly enough, the time we lived most "on the way" to anywhere was the time we lived most remotely. In Panama, we lived in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere, and half an hour from the nearest road passable by vehicles, but people were always showing up on their way to somewhere else, because we had the latest-running bus from the provincial capital--if a friend missed the last bus to their place, they'd hop onto ours, and show up at our house just about at dinnertime. Got so that we automatically set an extra place at the table, because someone was bound to show up. One guy even had a toothbrush at our house, because he was there so frequently!
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